We believe


1+1=3…this means that one mind together with another mind create a third mind. Together with different people one can achieve a lot more than when alone.  therefore, we invite anyone interested in joining Jobortunity to contact us.

Jobortunity is looking for new board members in the Netherlands, if interested you are invited to get in touch with us, please see contacts below.



We are always happy that people are interested to become a volunteer/researcher at Jobortunity. As a training institute, we need different expertise at different times of the year. There are several possibilities however the minimum stay is around 2 months, or we agree on a shorter period of time with a special assignment. Are you an expert in what you are doing? Does your expertise fit into our programme? Just send us an e-mail, describe your proposition, and let us discuss the possibilities.

The Netherlands*:

and… many caring individuals from all over the world!

Stichting Jobortunity Nederland is door de Belastingdienst in Nederland aangemerkt als ANBI (Algemeen Nut Beogende Instelling (www.anbi.nl) onder RSIN 820785891.
Voor diegene die een schenking doet aan een ANBI geldt dat deze in principe aftrekbaar is voor de inkomstenbelasting. Er zijn meerdere mogelijkheden voor het doen van een schenking.

Eenmalige schenking: aftrekbaar boven de drempel van 1%

Als u eenmalig een gift doet, is deze aftrekbaar in Box 1. Er geldt voor eenmalige giften een minimum drempel en een maximum als plafond. Uw giften zijn aftrekbaar als ze op jaarbasis in totaal hoger zijn dan 1% van uw verzamelinkomen, tot maximaal 10% van uw verzamelinkomen.

Periodieke schenking:

Als u als u minimaal 5 jaar lang een gift in geld wilt doen dan is deze aftrekbaar voor de inkomstenbelasting. U dient deze schenking vast te leggen via een schenkingsovereenkomst van de belastingdienst of via een notaris. U kunt eenvoudig bij de belastingdienst het formulier:”Periodieke giften in geld” downloaden, invullen en opsturen naar Jobortunity Nederland (Boonakkerstreeg 7, 1935 BK, Egmond-Binnen.)

At the beginning of Jobortunity, in 2009, friends around Director Kim Groeneweg organized a 100×100 action. Kim already decided to go to Tanzania, but she did not know if she would have enough financial resources to run the institute. The action was based on the idea that maybe… 100 people could collect 100 EUR (with their friends and relatives) and together these 100 people could collect 10,000 EUR.

Through that action we collected in total 13,000 Euro, so Jobortunity got an enormous support boost from the 100 × 100 action…! In 2012 we repeated the 100×100 action. We achieved 5,540 Euro, which was then doubled by the Triodos bank, so 11,080 Euro.
We believe in the power of many heartfelt gifts forming a huge donation for Jobortunity. The students value this support highly as it gives them a feeling that a lot of people from all over the world support them.

With our heartbeat campaign this year we trust that the goal to keep Jobortunity in service for the next decade and beyond. We more than appreciate all of your heartfelt giving. Thank you!

Jobortunity has an advisory board in both Tanzania and the Netherlands. All board members are volunteers supporting Jobortunity with their time, expertise, and network. They meet regularly (at least 4 times per year) to offer advice on the strategic plans and reports; assist in easing challenges and by giving the team the motivation and necessary boost to thrive.

As a board member you can make a difference!

Jobortunity is always open to Enthusiastic individuals willing to support us.

For more information on how to become a team member, please write to us through;